
Uncensored Japanese Amateur Hardcore

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1445 days ago

Jap men are so disgusting the way they make purposely loud/obnoxious slurping noises during sex or eating. I feel so bad for Japanese women have to deal with these creeps, being trapped in close-quarters with miles and miles separating them from normal guys. I mean, talk about creepy, gross, hairless, short, repulsive, non-masculine, socially awkward, perverted, and sexually inept, small dick freaks that are all incel virgins inside, but because all of them suck, some still get laid due to no genuine competition in the dating market. I know they can't just learn how to perform better, grow an average-sized dick, be more manly, or stop fantasizing about tentacle cartoon porn with skim-milk rectal enemas (or whatever deviant shit they are into), but the LEAST Japanese men could do, is STOP FUCKING SLURPING. Just stop slurping like slimy, vacuum-powered, pig lips sucking up expired gravy.

2313 days ago


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